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Browse our range of books from amusing tales and memories to superb nostalgic photos of a bygone era there's something to suit all ages.
Reflections of Living Steam
A well known photographer, Barry J Finch published a number of books in the 1960s and 1970s of photographs he took in the 1950s-60s. This second publication, in a new series of books, presents…
Ploughing Engines at Work
Barry J Finch is a well known photographer of road and agricultural steam engines and has published a number of books of photographs taken in the 1950s and 1960s. Written at the same time, the book…
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Rambler Coaches 1924-2018. The Rowland Years
The 1950’s and 60’s were considered boom years for excursions and private hire bookings with the fleet reaching three vehicles by the mid 1960’s. Sadly in 1966 Dick passed away, although his…
Memories of John Patten’s Ploughing Engines
Barry had long held the ambition to publish a book of the black & white pictures that he took at the sale of John Patten’s ploughing engines and tackle on 28th June 1960.Published in A5…
More Reflections of Living Steam
A further selection of stunning photos of road and agricultural steam engines, photographed around 60 years ago by Barry J Finch, of engines both on the road and at early rallies.
Squirrels, Nuts & Flying Rivets
Written by the late Brian Trevis in 2004, with much input from Richard Vincent, this 100 page book tells the story from Richard’s early days through to the rallying of this superb wagon – its…
Barry Finch Books Bundle
Own all three books by well-known photographer Barry Finch and save £9.95 on the combined cover price!Packed with stunning photographs of road and agricultural steam, taken around 60 years ago,…
Sybil’s Hut
A lovely book on the history of the Coombe Bissett Steam Plough Works and the shepherd’s huts they made. Also the restoration of the author’s hut, bought from the granddaughter of the…
Reflections of a Timeless Passion
Poetic reflections, not only on steam engines, but the people who work or play with them and the places where they go or are kept. Engines, both road and rail appear regularly, how they fell out of…
Hazy Days of Living Steam
Published in 2001, this 52 page photographic book draws on the author’s extensive collection of road engine pictures taken up and down the country during the 1990s.