Len Crane the Black Country Steam Engineer & ‘Len’s Legacy’

£19.00 Regular Price: £30.00
A two part look at the life of a well respected steam man.
A two DVD set which over three hours provides the story of Jane & and Len Crane, the renowned steam engineer, from his early days, through to his passing in 2015.
The story of ‘the Black Country Steam Engineer’, from his miniature engineering to the restoration of full size road steam engines. This two disc set follows Len, Jane and those who worked with them, looking at how the engines were saved and used.
Now that he is no longer with us, ‘Len’s Legacy’ looks at the events and activities big and small that the engines and those now maintaining and crewing them take part in.
This includes the 2015 Great Dorset Steam Fair, where along with others he had been instrumental in setting up the Heavy Haulage activity many decades ago.